The Republican States of America

"E pluribus unum"

Or usually addressed as The Republic or America, is climbing in to being one of the most powerful countries in the world, after the immediate action from them, preventing a second World War, they have continued to prosper and grow, albeit, only in an economic sense, for the “traditional” and “family values” they talk of is certainly no different than what they had originally fought against.

The current sitting President is Bill N. Bark (R), and the Vice President is William Chafter, at this time, the Senate is Republican leaning while the House, still with a good amount of Republicans, has enough Democrats to make good notice about it.

Table of Contents

    III. Community
    IV. Social Standing
    Part I. Customs
    V. Sex
    VIII. Government.
    Part I. Rights
    Part II. Politics
    Part III. Form of Government
    Part IV. Government Services
    VVI. States

iii. community

A family, defined by law is a man and wife, with at least one or more child, albeit this is only based on legal documents, and depending on where you are throughout the country, a family can hypothetical be one parent and many children, or two mothers and a few kids, albeit the first hypothetical isn’t as common and the latter “illegal” in some states.

“Extended” family is considered anybody past your uncles, say for example, if your uncle has a wife, she is considered an “extended” part of the family, including the children she has, unless it is an aunt, than the children she has are immediately considered part of the family, this is more of a social phenomena though, considered no legal documents about it have ever been written.

Family connections and responsibilities are extremely important within American society, everybody in a family has a certain “duty” or job to fill, a husband through societal pressure is to work, a wife is to stay home, or have an evening job that is low-maintenance such as a secretary, while children are to serve as glorified dolls for the family to make into model citizens.

Usually, the father of the bride decides if the marriage can go through, but this is only a formality, as well, divorces are legal, but extremely difficult to get through due to the long periods of wait, court hearings and “needed evidence” to prove that you and your partner should split. Similar to most cases, during a divorce, if one is accusing the other of child abuse, and you have children, it is supposed to be investigated, but rarely happens unless “obvious”.

Orphans are either completely forgotten about in large cities, or given to foster housing, to see if they can be “rehomed”, even if it never actually happens due to the nature of the foster system with The Republic being extremely flawed.

Children are not nesseraly segragatied per say depending on sex, but certainly treated differently, while they don’t have to be wives,it is encouraged that young girls play with certain types of toys or hang around certain types of people, while boys can get scrapped, if a girl gets hurt, it is a horrible display.

Marriage, while often show in the media they consume to be a two-way love, many statics show that man marriages are only built off of the original feeling of love, rather than the still existing feeling they have towards each other, but due to the fact divorce is frowned upon and the idea that “falling back in love” is a common method to keep a marriage together, nothing much happens from it. People hope that marriage means eternal love, and society attempts to sell it, but rarely does it happen to the “average” person.

Usually, childcare is given to the mother to perform, or an older sister and or brother, unless the mother has a job, a father doesn’t have to do that much other than serve as a “rock” for the family, but, in situations where the mother has a job, a father is expected to keep the children in line. It is shown through a study given out by the American Healthy Families Association (AHFA) that families that have a more substantial father figure who engages and parents showed increased happiness and positive feelings rather than negative or distant feelings.

Domestic violence is a crime and is punishable with fines up to jail times, is more common than it should naturally be, things such as hitting your children, corporal punishment on a spouse or child is considered the “norm”, while many psychologists openly protested it, it still isn’t seen as that most of a problem as it should be.

iv. social standing

Like many capitalist societies, it comes down to the rich, and the poor, while the middle class “exists”, it is simply just a swallowable version of the poor. Many things come into class, economic standing obviously, but as well as race and disability, in better terms, it is the exploiter, versus the laborer.

Moving through the classes is nothing more than a myth, while yes, you can increase the money you make, the idea of “rags-to-riches” is a deeply made up story to make people believe that the rich are inherently like us, and not just given the money at birth. You will always be a laborer, but that isn’t a bad thing. While there are many differences between being rich and poor, one being money and the ability to be a person, laborers hold up society, without them, it would collapse in on itself.

In terms of “respectable” occupations, the ones closer to the idea of the “American Dream” the better, such a cubicle workers, mailmen and government officials, anything lower than that are more and more looked down on, usually social workers, teachers and hard labor jobs such as construction workers or trashman are especially made fun of by society.

part ii. customs .

A lot of American society is based on the entertainment industry, as well as a newly bred idea for wanting to be its own separate, important culture.

While of course, red is associated with power due to the flag, virtue is white and strangely enough, death is gray, not black, due to the fact that black is barely used at all unless to imply fire and destruction, but not death though.

There is a very obvious difference between when two men get into a fight and when two women, when men do it, it is that they will resolve on their own, that no help is needed in this scenario, and that actually, cheering them on to tear eachother apart is a good idea! While with women, they are given pity, and men coming out of nowhere to fight their own battles, even if the two women really did want to bite each other's ears off, they wouldn’t be allowed to due to being presumed either hysterical, or the victim.

Grief is one of those things that is not talked about at all, you experience it, but it’s on “your own” that you do it, you don’t talk about your emotions unless they are good ones, especially when it comes to being sad about something, especially death, you hold your emotions down until either, you die, or you burst into tears in the middle of a parking lot.

While for the entire country, racial segregation has mostly fissled out due to the previous American President ( Calvin McGarry), a lot of things are still strained when it comes to both interacial relationships and classim.

Really, the only “considered” genders within America are either male or female, which are related to somebody’s assigned sex rather than what they actually feel, while hormone replacement therapy is avaliable, it is highly scrutnized by the mass and usually only used if you are a cis person with hormone defeceincey. Again, while gender roles are very slowly loosening up, it isn't a requirement for women to wear skirts in public, it still is a thing baked within society and is something that the government wants to hold up.

People have tired and have made some sort of societal change, but due to the fact anti-authoritarianism is seen as a bad thing, the people who try to help, end up dead than anything else before being taken over by a liberal sense of style.

v. sex

Things such as rape and incest, as they should be, are considered disgusting, abhorrent things, the victim is always believed, espically if a child and the perpetrator, whether they were the person who had done it or not, is given a life-sentence.

Premarital sex is one of those things that while not illegal, is certainy considered “strange” to do, espically within the context of a heterosexual sex.

Only certain types of prostition is legal, working for a brothel is perfectly legal, but things such as hooking or self-run private sex workers are illegal and given fines if charged with it. This is mostly due to the fact that the current government is ultra-captilistic and would rather put down hard, unfair wages than have a sex worker make their own decisions on it.

On top of that, non-brothel related sex workers are considered lowly for “not having a proper/clean job”, they are considered all to be non-workers who are drug-addicts or “degenerates” within society.

There are many laws that restrict sexual behavior, not limited to, “indecent exposure”, brothels being only allowed to be built in low-income areas, anti-homosexuality laws related to public displays of affection as well as any sort of “sexual taboo” being dispalyed in public.

viii. government .

part i. government .

An American citizen is somebody, who has a license given by the government giving them the title of it, thus giving them the right to vote in city based elections, the right to “easily” obtain a job and to having technical, free speech.

Certain groups of people, such as immigrants from other countries, the children of said people, and women don’t necessarily have the same rights, as stated above, immigrants aren’t given the same amount of free speech as a citizen, due to the idea of them being “foreign traitors” and guilty until proven innocent. Women and immigrants as well, have harder times finding a job due to them not being seen as a “priority” group, as well as the three dollar wage gap between men and women, and four dollars if immigrant.

Certain groups, while not necessarily not allowed to hold government jobs, certainly have to deal with more of an uphill struggle, such as women, racial minorities and people with...less than neoliberal philosophies.

Usually, when somebody of a minority group gains government or high ranking status within society, many people will point the finger of “only adding the person for brownie points”, even if the politician is extremely good at their job.