Wednesday August 3rd of 2022

Penned by...Otto

Finally! I'm given a shift I can manage, one which means I'll be here late of course, but as well means I can actually rest, wonderous! I got to sleep in a slight amount! Of course I am here now so...Ah that doesn't matter. I find these pre writings quite useful for my sanity, the days have been longer than usual, and my conciousness growing quite...aware of itself, like a bug figuring out how small it is.

The heat has risen again into being 88 degrees and sunny, a perfect day for the beach if you are one of the freaks who likes that, me? I'd prefer to just wait until the heat clears up, and I never liked the beach anyways, too many people and not enough critters.

Back on schedule! Well, I had a busy day so far, I woke up early, shocker to some, and went down to get my job application, the lady there was lovely and offered me some water considering I walked, it's about what...a 15 minute walk? And it's balls-to-the-wall hot? I deserved it after all of that.

I'm glad that I'm finally working again 1, captialism is my own personal hell and by all the power invested in my 5'2 body I loathe it, but money makes the world go round and if its somewhere with AC and means I don't have to do much, then I'll take it -- besides, it's next to a general store which means I won't have to starve myself for breaks, I can just run in for a drink and be fine.

As well, they don't seem to have a work uniform, which means I can still dress like my usual "confused beatnik" self.

Which, speaking of fashion, means I'll be able to get more clothes! I am a big fan of the way you can put together and outfit, as well as being a firm believer in second-hand shops, I like searching for old things, things that make me look dated, because well...they make me happy and as well, I find our modern era 2 to be quite bland when it comes to fashion. Tik Tok truely is a blight on society, so is most social media platforms but the insistance on putting everything into neat little "aesthetics" instead of being authentic is odd, punk is suffering from this disorder and so is the goth scene, which is a damn shame because I love those fashion movements dearly. If somebody says I dress very "cottagecore" or "kitschcore" I will actually hit them, I am dressing like myself, not a pre-determind box that is only there to make money.

Besides, I have actual fashion role models, 1940s-1960s housewives3, yuppie 70s business men, 19th century gay bachelors and spikey hair The Damned listening punks.

Me about to go get a lobotomy because Andrew Ryan hates the fact I called him a lib

Also I cut my hair today! After a few long months, I think since about March I finally did it, now I actually look like the way I draw myself.

Today's song...

Art Decade, fro the album Low, by David Bowie

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