Sunday, July 31st of 2022

Penned by...Otto

The air is thick this afternoon as I type from this from my typewriter, the office is empty, I, myself, am the only one in at this time. Sundays are slow like that, but news must be reported on --, that seems a bit much to call it, sometimes a part of me feels awful to report on misery and only that. But it pays the bills, and when you surrond yourself in it, you can eventualy shut all the emotions off relating to things such as guilt.

The weather? Sunny, for right now, a few clouds in the sky and the heat standing at an uncomfortable 87 degrees, the only solice is the shade around, the leaves are bright green, it is nice to look at, but never to stand outside in.

I'll post my room state tomorrow because in all honesty, it looks gross and not in a "NEET"1 sort of way, just in a weirdo who needs therapy sort of way. has been quite boring, I woke up at around...I think 2:30? I was up until 4AM so that's understandable I suppose2 -- but that's besides the point, I didn't do much of importance, I've been trying my hardest to make art, and I've made...a little bit of progress, but my energy is slim. The only joy I have is the fact later on today I plan on watching Corpse Bride with my qpp -- which, by the way, it speaks volumes to know that me, nowadays, a man who wants to be a reanimated corpse or a sickly victorian man -- or really just sickly pale as a whole, that my favorite movie as a young lad was Corpse Bride is...funny.

I find it a nice idea to be a bachelor, one who is uppity and massively pretenious about it, writes poetry under a shaded tree and is consistantly the most person to be around. At least Victor was socially inept and was anxiety ridden, which I can admit, I am as well, but that is overwritten by my own artist mind.

I don't talk about fantasies of mine often, mostly because it's better for people to read in between the lines about my own kinks, but during my little writing I as reminded of one of my favorite Don Bluth characters, that being Rasputin from Anastasia and to have a Corpse Bride-esq situation with him...the dream. Sure, I usually like being the corpse, but I love being pinned after and obsessed over. It's a feeling I've had since I've watched The Iron Giant in freshman year of high school, Kent Mansley did things to me.

But that's besides the point, perhaps I'll make a page dedicated to all the fictional men I've had crushes on, it would be a long list but it would be funny.

Today's song...

Ringfinger, from the album Pretty Hate Machine by Nine Inch Nails