edward or octavius
he / thou
artisian ; horror writer

Watchlist and Media

    i. pending reviews
    ii. resources
    iii. movies
    vi. tv shows
    vi. music
    vii. books

Edward Octavius's Listing .

Before i even start i just want to say that this is mostly my personal list of things i need to get to eventually, this includes music, movies, videos etc etc . i have horrible amounts of add and this will be a reminder for me to get things done, i'll also include a "schedule" for these things to get done eventually, a little bit of a personal look into the way i get my omnivore ways through.

If you'd ever like to know, i watch youtube videos and some movies (non-artsy) at 1.25x speed, with subtitles for all of them, if a youtube video doesn't have youtube cc's i usually plan on, after watching it, to make one for the video .

i. pending reviews

* . psycho (1960)
*. the holy bible by manic street preachers
*. in the court of the crimson king by king crimson
*. final girl by riley sagur

ii. resources

youtube dl

getintopc .

movies / tv streaming


"ship" masterpost

iii. movies

the house that jack built (2018)
hamlet (1969)
a single man (2009)
phantom threads (2017)
the king of comedy (1982)
the little hours (2017)
there will be blood (2007)
variety (1983)
can you ever forgive me? (2018)
the green knight (2021)
funny games (1997)
occult (2009)
deranged (1974)
diary of a country priest (1951)
the brood (1979)
the dead zone (1983)
hello mary lou: prom night ii (1987)
the good companions (1933)

vi. tv shows

the north water (2021) : 2/?
frasier (1993) : season 2, episode 13
the alienist (2020) : not started
freud (2020): not started