of importance to my character .
i'm quite bad at describing myself, mostly because I find that type of information stupid for the public to know. but a better way to explain my quirks is through media -- characters...tv shows...weird 4chan posts i think about, that type of stuff.the birdcage (1996)

i promise i don't try to be this obviously faggoty, it just happens that this movie means a lot to me -- seeing it at 13 changed me... a lot, in good ways! my love for weird comedies centering around the gay / drag subculture comes from this, which sparked me to watch pink flamingos and as well, gave me a fetish for bears.
robin williams is just a very important part of my life as a whole, he shaped the way i view humour and also as somebody who is maniac depressive just hits weirdly, comedy is about hiding, about making a plea for help under the mask of it being stand-up.
i miss him a lot.

nine inch nails (1988 - present)

well, obviously a guy with a black background and white text likes nine inch nails, but before you make the jokes -- i have to explain it just a slight amount.
you know that feeling you get when you cut open your skin? the one where it all just burns and aches so bad but at the same time...it's a pleasureable pain, one that sticks to your tongue and asks you to do it again? that's what NIN is to me in terms of its feel,
i'm very open about my opinions on self harm, that being pro-cutting and such, but this band just...it's a secondary source for the relief i need, when a blade is not around and i'm on the bus needing the pain. not to say the band isn't good -- it's excellent! but it fills the niche that i love, that being men in so much agony that you can hear it.
if anybody wants to know, my favorites are the downward spiral and pretty little hate machine, both i own on vinyl and i cherish deeply, while trent has grown up and its obvious in the music, i still love good old fashion edge.